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Drop da tank

FMCSA 49 CFR § 393.67 - Liquid fuel tanks.

Fuel tanks, 25 gallons or more, are required to meet FMCSS standards and indicate so on the tank. All tanks must utilize a non-spill venting system that in case of fire, will prevent rupturing. Additionally, the tanks must pass a drop test to become certified.

Drop Tests, all size tanks: Fill with water weight equal to maximum fuel load and position it to land on one corner to be dropped 30 feet. Also, drop another tank, the same size, 10 feet to land on the fill neck. Neither can allow more than 1 ounce of water weight per minute leakage for certification. Anytime a tank design is changed, it has to be certified, plus periodic recertification for all previous tanks has to take place as well.

A plate is welded to the tank with the filler neck and is marked with manufacturer name, date of manufacture, capacity, plus indicate “fill to no more than 95% capacity”. If your tank becomes damaged and you need a replacement, it also must comply. It is illegal to reuse a tank filler. Many Parts Departments will ask that the filler and data plate be returned to them in an effort to prevent the use of non-compliant tanks.

If you buy an aftermarket tank, make sure these requirements are adhered to by asking about compliance and reading the data plate welded to the filler neck. Without this assurance, the tank may not comply.

And now…

Believe It OR Not


When diesel was first created, it was known as a byproduct and was discarded rather than used. It was not until Rudolf Diesel created an engine capable of using the fuel in 1894 that it was given a name and a purpose.

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