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Operation Profile

Select an Engine

Operation Profile


Engine RPM Range

Operation Profile

Select a Shift Style

Transmission Gearing 

RPM calculation below is based upon vehicle speed in top gear  (Miler Per Hour)

Constraints Messages- click on constraint to address issue 

* Change Drive Axle Ratio

* Consider automated or automatic transmission to remove driver variation & get maximum economy

* Gearing is not for an automatic transmission. Choose Allison 5-7 Speed or TC10

Engine Speed Calculator

Tire size: Revolution/Mile - Review drop to see basic tire size rev data

Miles Per Hour

Miles Per Hour:Speed at which the vehicle will operate the majority of use

Drive Axle (RAX) Ratio

Ratio, Drive Axle : Enter a smaller number (faster ratio) to decrease RPM or a larger number (slower ratio) to increase RPM, as necessary

Top Gearing Ratio

Ratio, Transmission Top Gear: Derived from the Transmission Gearing input selection above

Calculate RPM


Ratio, Auxiliary Transmission: Review drop to see basic ratios. If not using an auxiliary use the N/A value of 1.00

Calculated RPM falls within range for the Operation Profile specified

Calculated RPM falls within range for the Operation Profile specified

Helping People in the trucking industry realize their full potential

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